Senator Elder Vogel announced today that he will not be taking the automatic cost of living adjustment (COLA) given to state legislators and other public officials. He will donate the money to charity.
“I think this money would be better spent going to charities in the 47th District where it can have a real impact. The alternative is for the money to be sent to the General Fund where it can be spent on programs anywhere. This way, the money stays local and we can help our community.”
The raises are authorized by a law passed in 1995 that indexes cost of living adjustments to the Consumer Price Index. The cost of living adjustment is based on increases in the federal government’s Consumer Price Index for the Mid-Atlantic States. Vogel also donated his COLA in 2008-2009 to charity.
“It’s ridiculous for elected officials to get raises every year,” Vogel said. “We are asking everyone else to tighten their belts. The Federal Government has denied COLAs again for our senior citizens. The private sector isn’t giving out raises. The last thing we should be doing is handing out bigger paychecks to elected officials,” Vogel added. “We need to restore common sense to government.”
CONTACT: Joe Weidner
(717) 787-3076