Senator Vogel’s Prime Sponsored
Legislation 2015-2016 Session
- SB 201 – This bill amends Pennsylvania’s Clean & Green program. It will allow landowners to lease land currently enrolled in Clean & Green, subject to existing language and terms, to a third-party rural enterprise as currently defined in the law.
- SB 352 –This bill will bring the Race Horse Industry Reform Act into the 21st Century. The proposal dissolves both the State Racing and Harness Racing Commissions at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. This proposal will re-establish the function of regulatory oversight of the racing industry within the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. The bill will make a number of changes to licensure, fines, fees and the pari-mutual tax structure to properly fund regulatory oversight and drug testing.
- SB 353 – This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicle Code – Emissions Testing) to provide exemptions for newer and periodic inspections. Vehicles are exempted from emissions testing requirements for five years after the model year. Furthermore, vehicles would be required to have emissions testing only once every two years if not already exempted.
- SB 440 – This bill exempts veterans’ disability benefits from being considered eligible income under the Senior Citizen Property Tax and Rent Rebate Assistance program. The rebate program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older. The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters, and half of Social Security income is excluded.
- SB 480 – This bill amends the Tax Reform Code in regards to sales tax on vehicles purchased outside of Pennsylvania by nonresidents of Pennsylvania. Currently, when a nonresident purchases a vehicle within 6 months of moving to Pennsylvania, that new resident of our Commonwealth is required to retroactively pay Pennsylvania sales tax minus credit for sales tax paid in the previous state. This legislation exempts vehicles purchased by nonresidents, who then relocate to Pennsylvania, from Pennsylvania’s sales tax when that purchase was made in another state.
- SB 566 –This bill provides funding for the statewide Housing Trust Fund – PA Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund (PHARE). Currently, PHARE’s only revenue is from Act 13 Impact Fees and those monies may only be spent in Shale Counties. Revenues generated through impact fees provide resources for home repairs, new construction, rental assistance, home rehabilitation, and demolition. This legislation will expand funding to all counties including those that receive monies from Act 13.
2015 Prime Sponsored Joint Resolutions
- SB 488 – This Joint Resolution would amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to reduce the size of the General Assembly. This proposal would reduce the Senate to 30 Senatorial districts and the House of Representatives to 153 districts. The savings of this reduction is estimated to save the citizens of the Commonwealth in excess of $115 million dollars.