Vogel Announces Beaver County Farm Preserved

HARRISBURG – State Sen. Elder Vogel (R-47) announced the State Agriculture Land Preservation Board has protected a Beaver County farm from future development.

Included in the 28 farms, consisting of 2,478 acres of farmland in 19 counties, protected from future development is a crop and livestock operation run by William J. Douthitt in Darlington Township.

“By selling their land’s development rights, landowners ensure that their farm will remain a farm and never be sold for residential, commercial or industrial development,” said Vogel. “This demonstrates our commitment to Pennsylvania’s most important industry and improves the quality of life for local residents through the availability of fresh, locally-grown food.”

In 1988, the General Assembly created the Pennsylvania Agricultural Easement Purchase Program to protect against the loss of farmland to non-agricultural uses. The program helps identify prime farmland and enables state, county and local governments to purchase development rights from owners to ensure the land remains in agricultural use.

Pennsylvania leads the nation in the number of farms and acres permanently preserved for agricultural production. The program guarantees a future food supply and contributes to a healthier economy. It also assures a way of life Pennsylvanian’s cherish will continue for generations to come.

The Commonwealth has now protected 6,148 farms and 619,191 acres from future commercial, industrial or residential development.


CONTACT:  Nathan Clark     nclark@pasen.gov     

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