Applications are now available for the Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program and qualified individuals should file as soon as possible, according to Senator Elder Vogel. The maximum standard rebate is $650, but supplemental rebates for qualifying homeowners can boost rebates to $975.
The program is open to state residents age 65 or older; widows and widowers age 50 or older; and, 100 percent disabled people 18 or older. The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters, with half of Social Security income excluded.
The deadline for filing an application is July 1 and applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis after that date.
Application forms and assistance are available at no cost from Department of Revenue district offices, local Area Agencies on Aging, senior centers and state legislators’ offices. Applications are also available online at or by calling toll-free (888) 222-9190
Local residents should be aware that there is no charge to file a state Property Tax/Rent Rebate form and they shouldn’t fall prey to companies offering to submit the forms for a fee.
More than $279 million in property tax and rent rebates have been sent to more than 587,000 homeowners and renters across the state for taxes and rent paid in 2012.
Joe Weidner
(724) 774-0444