Rule would create restrictions on Senate involvement in Non-Profits
Senator Vogel announced today that a new Senate rule governing affiliations with non-profit entities by Senate members was adopted unanimously in the Senate Rules Committee. The rule, authored by Senator Vogel and Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi, is expected to be considered by the full Senate this week.
Known as Senate Resolution 65 (SR 65), the new rule would establish strict criteria regarding the involvement of Senators in the operation of non-profit entities. The rule would also apply to members of the Senator’s family and staff.
“It’s very important that we restore character and integrity to the halls of the State Capitol. This new rule is long overdue and it establishes common-sense measures for a Senator’s involvement with non-profits,” Vogel said. “This rule creates a safeguard to ensure that non-profit entities will not be started by any Senator for the purpose of drawing down state grant dollars.”
Among the rules changes, Senators would not be able to exercise sole control over non-profits, or direct a Senate employee or staff to provide services to a non-profit entity. The rule would prohibit the comingling of funds from the Senate and the non-profit, as well as require separate and distinct office space for a Senator’s district office outside of the non-profit entity.
Today it was announced that former Pennsylvania House Democratic whip Mike Veon was convicted on charges stemming from his involvement in the non-profit Beaver Initiative for Growth (BIG).
CONTACT: Joe Weidner
(724) 774-0444