Senator Vogel Reintroduces Legislation to Reduce the Size of the Legislature

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47) announced today he has reintroduced legislation aimed at reducing the size of the Pennsylvania legislature.

“We face a large budget deficit where we will be asking everyone to tighten their belts. This legislature should follow suit by reducing our numbers by 40%, as my bill does,” Vogel said. “Everywhere I go I hear my constituents call for cutting the size of government. Not only would this legislation save the taxpayers millions of dollars, I think it would also make the legislature more accountable to the people.”

Under Senator Vogel’s legislation, the Senate would be reduced from 50 seats to 30 seats, and the House of Representatives would be reduced from to 203 seats to 121 seats. Commonwealth Budget figures, this legislation would save the citizens of the Commonwealth approximately $117.5 million dollars.

“One only has to look at the size of government, whether it be state, local, federal – to realize we need less government, not more,” Vogel added.

Last session, this legislation was introduced as Senate Bill 684. In addition, the Senate State Government Committee held a hearing April 30, 2010 on the legislation at Penn State- Beaver campus.

Senator Vogel also plans on introducing legislation soon to eliminate the office of the Lieutenant Governor, which will save the taxpayers $1.5 million dollars a year.

CONTACT: Joe Weidner
(717) 787-3076

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