Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R-9) and Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) today announced their intention to introduce a new Senate rule designed to address the potential abuse of non-profit organizations highlighted in this week’s grand jury presentment.
The presentment alleged that former Representative Mike Veon created a non-profit organization, the Beaver Initiative for Growth (BIG), for his personal and political benefit, and that he funneled approximately $4.7 million of taxpayer money through BIG between 2004 and 2006. Some of that money was allegedly used to pay bonuses for campaign work.
“We must do everything we can to prevent the kind of wrongdoing alleged by the grand jury,” said Senator Pileggi. “In light of Wednesday’s announcement by the Attorney General, it is clear that a Senate rule should be in place.”
“This last election, my constituents voted for the restoration of character and integrity in the halls of our State Capitol,” said Senator Vogel. “This new rule will be yet another step forward in changing the culture of Harrisburg.”
The new rule will create restrictions relating to members and employees of the Senate establishing, incorporating or directing the operation of a nonprofit organization or other entity whose primary purpose is to receive funds from the Commonwealth.
Senators Pileggi and Vogel said they expect to introduce the measure in early April.
Erik Arneson (Sen. Pileggi)
(717) 787-4712
Owen Thomas (Sen. Vogel)
(717) 787-3076