Lancaster Township Receives $565,000 PENNVEST Grant

Lancaster Township, Butler County, will receive a $565,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST), according to Senator Elder Vogel

PENNVEST awarded the funds at its July 22 board meeting. PENNVEST financing is provided through the use of federal funding and prior bond issues by the state. It is not supported by the state’s General Fund budget, which covers the daily operations and services of the Commonwealth.

The township will use the money to install 2,400 feet of storm sewers along Scott Ridge Road, an area prone to flooding during wet weather events.

“When wet weather conditions overwhelm the capacity of the existing system, the water floods the roadways and carries sediment and gravel into the lanes of traffic,” said Senator Vogel. “Portions of the road are steep and this runoff and icing conditions during the winter create sever safety hazards for motorists. This investment by PENNVEST will address the drainage problems without placing financial burden on township residents.”

CONTACT:               Joe Weidner                (724) 774-0444

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