Senator Elder Vogel will serve as a member of five Senate Committees in addition to his chairmanship of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee for the 2015-16 Legislative Session. Senator Vogel will serve on the Appropriations, Banking & Insurance, Communications & Technology, Environmental Resources & Energy, and Local Government committees.

“My committee assignments cover a wide ranges of issues that could have a direct impact on the lives of the people of western Pennsylvania,” Senator Vogel said. “The Appropriations Committee is especially important since it is the panel within the Senate that works most closely with the state budget each year and reviews all bills that involve state spending. That is going to be critical as we face a potential $2 billion structural deficit for the coming year.

“Also important for our region, especially with the development of the Marcellus Shale industry, is the work of the Environmental Resources & Energy Committee,” Senator Vogel continued. “That committee will be tasked with reviewing many of the proposals from the Wolf Administration in regards to Marcellus Shale and other environmental regulations that could impact jobs and the quality of life for local residents.”


Joe Weidner
(724) 774-0444

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